Sunday, February 24, 2008

References for Fast Fourier Transform and Matlab

The Fourier Transformation and its Application QA403.5 B7
The Fast Fourier Transformation and its application QA403 B75 1988


Wave function with fft and ifft in matlab from Physics Forum
Fourier Transform Example 2 Matlab code (a copy below)

Fourier Transform Example 2 Matlab code
%      ***** MATLAB Code Starts Here *****



fig_size = [232 84 774 624];

m2ft = 3.2808; % conversion from meters to feet

g = 32.2; % gravitational acceleraton (ft/s^2)

beta = 180; % relative wave direction (deg)

z = 0; % depth below the surface (ft)

rho = 1.999; % water density (lbm/ft^3)


w = logspace(-1,1,401); % vector of frequencies with log spacing

k = w(2)/w(1); % ratio of adjacent frequencies

delta_w = [diff(w) (k-1)*w(401)]; % differences between adjacent frequencies

w = w + delta_w .* rand(1,length(w)); % random selection of frequencies


H_13 = [0.1 0.5 1.25 4] * m2ft; % wave heights to be tested (ft)


a = 0.0081; % PM spectrum coefficients

b = 0.74;


for i = 1:length(H_13)


Upm = 12.4 * sqrt(H_13(i));

w0 = g / Upm;


Sa = (a*g^2 ./ w.^5) .* exp(-b*(w0./w).^4); % PM spectrum (frequency component)


Sb = (2/pi) * cos(beta*pi/180)^2; % PM spectrum (directional component)


Sc = rho * g * exp(-w.^2 * z / g); % PM spectrum (depth component)


S(i,:) = Sa .* Sb .* Sc; % total PM spectrum




%Parameters for the notch filter


num1 = [1 0 0.64]; den1 = [1 1.6 0.64]; % first stage numerator and denominator

num2 = [1 0 4]; den2 = [1 4 4]; % second stage numerator and denominator

num = conv(num1,num2); % total filter numerator and denominator

den = conv(den1, den2);

[mag,ph] = bode(num,den,w); % magnitude and phase of the notch filter

mag = mag'; ph = ph';


%Calculation of filter outputs in the frequency domain


for i = 1:length(H_13)

out(i,:) = mag .* S(i,:); % filter output for each sea state input



%Calculation of the time-domain wave signal for sea state 2

%and the output of that signal from the notch filter


t = [0: 0.125: 800]; % time vector

phi = 2*pi*(rand(1,length(w)) - 0.5); % random phase of ith frequency

A = sqrt(2*S(2,:).*delta_w); % amplitude of ith frequency


for i = 1:length(t)

wave(i) = sum(A .* cos(w*t(i) + phi));

wave_out(i) = sum(mag .* A .* cos(w*t(i) + phi + ph));



%Sample Fourier Transforms


fft_wave = fft(wave); % Fourier transform of wave signal

fft_wave_out = fft(wave_out); % Fourier transform of notch filter output

ws2 = pi / 0.125; % one-half of the sampling frequency

ww = linspace(0,ws2,3200); % frequency vector for sample Fourier transforms

[i1,i2] = min(abs(ww - 5)); % selecting the relevant frequencies


%Plot the data


figure(1),clf,subplot(211),semilogx(w,mag),grid,xlabel('Frequency (r/s)'),...

ylabel('Magnitude'),title('Notch Filter Magnitude Function'),z=axis;axis([0.1 10 z(3) z(4)]),...

subplot(212),semilogx(w,ph),grid,xlabel('Frequency (r/s)'),...

ylabel('Phase (deg)'),title('Notch Filter Phase Shift'),z=axis;axis([0.1 10 z(3) z(4)]),...



figure(2),clf,subplot(221),semilogx(w,S(1,:),w,out(1,:)),grid,xlabel('Frequency (r/s)'),...

ylabel('Magnitude'),title('Sea State 1 Input & Output'),z=axis;axis([0.1 10 z(3) z(4)]),...

subplot(222),semilogx(w,S(2,:),w,out(2,:)),grid,xlabel('Frequency (r/s)'),...

ylabel('Magnitude'),title('Sea State 2 Input & Output'),z=axis;axis([0.1 10 z(3) z(4)]),...

subplot(223),semilogx(w,S(3,:),w,out(3,:)),grid,xlabel('Frequency (r/s)'),...

ylabel('Magnitude'),title('Sea State 3 Input & Output'),z=axis;axis([0.1 10 z(3) z(4)]),...

subplot(224),semilogx(w,S(4,:),w,out(4,:)),grid,xlabel('Frequency (r/s)'),...

ylabel('Magnitude'),title('Sea State 4 Input & Output'),z=axis;axis([0.1 10 z(3) z(4)]),...



figure(3),clf,subplot(211),plot(t,wave),grid,xlabel('Time (s)'),ylabel('Height (ft)'),...

title('Wave Height, Sea State 2'),z = axis;,...

subplot(212),plot(t,wave_out),grid,xlabel('Time (s)'),ylabel('Height (ft)'),...

title('Measured Wave Height at Output of Notch Filter, Sea State 2'),axis(z),...



figure(4),clf,subplot(211),plot(ww(1:i2),abs(fft_wave(1:i2)),'o'),grid,xlabel('Frequency (r/s)'),...

ylabel('Magnitude'),title('Sample Fourier Transform of Wave Signal'),z = axis;,...

subplot(212),plot(ww(1:i2),abs(fft_wave_out(1:i2)),'o'),grid,xlabel('Frequency (r/s)'),...

ylabel('Magnitude'),title('Sample Fourier Transform of Notch Filter Output'),axis(z),...


% ***** MATLAB Code Stops Here *****

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