%BPATH1 Brownian path simulation
randn('state',100) % set the state of randn to be 100
T = 1; N = 500; dt = T/N; % Length = 1, do 500 steps, each step measures dt=1/500
dW = zeros(1,N); % preallocate arrays ...
W = zeros(1,N); % for efficiency
dW(1) = sqrt(dt)*randn; % first approximation outside the loop ...
W(1) = dW(1); % since W(0) = 0 is not allowed
for j = 2:N
dW(j) = sqrt(dt)*randn; % general increment, dW ~ sqrt(dt)
W(j) = W(j-1) + dW(j); % then go a step of dW(j) from W(j-1) to W(j)
plot([0:dt:T],[0,W],'r-') % plot W against t: plot from time 0 to time T, increment dt
Note: Matlab starts array from 1, not 0. So in order to include the starting point W(0) = 0 into the graph, we need to include it in the plotting command by doing plot([0:dt:T],[0,W])
Following is a more elegant and more efficient version of bpath1.m :
The "for" loop is replaced by a "vectorized" command
(KEY to writing efficient MATLAB)code (See DJHigham & NJHigha, MATLAB guide, SIAM, Philly 2000)
%BPATH2 Brownian path simulation: vectorized
randn('state',100) % set the state of randn
T = 1; N = 500; dt = T/N;
dW = sqrt(dt)*randn(1,N); % generate the array of increments
W = cumsum(dW); % cumulative sum, W(j)= dW(1) + ... + dW(j)
plot([0:dt:T],[0,W],'r-') % plot W against t, red line
A higher simulation of Brownian path:
Average from about 1000 different paths. Sketch the average path and 5 of the brownian paths.
Here we evaluate the function u(W(t)) = exp(t + W(t)/2) along 1000 discretized Brownian paths.
The average of u(W(t)) over these paths is plotted with a solid blue line.
Five individual paths are also plotted using a dashed red line.
%BPATH3 Function along a Brownian path
randn('state',100) % set the state of randn
T = 1; N = 500; dt = T/N; t = [dt:dt:1]; % t = row vector, N components, from dt to 1, increments dt.
M = 1000; % M paths simultaneously
dW = sqrt(dt)*randn(M,N); % increments for M paths. 1 path 1 row. Each row N increments ...
% i.e., dW is an M-by-N array st dW(i,j) gives the increment dWj
W = cumsum(dW,2); % cumulative sum accross the second dimension (column)
% i.e., each row of W is the cumsum of the corresp. row of dW
U = exp(repmat(t,[M 1]) + 0.5*W); % repmat(t,[M 1]) form a "matrix" M row 1 column, each "entry" is t.
% With t a N-dim row vector, this put M t's stack together,
% forming a M by N matrix.
% then add it to the matrix .5*W
% then take exp of this matrix
Umean = mean(U); % compute columwise averages
plot([0,t],[1,Umean],'b-'), hold on % plot mean over M paths
% x-axis is 0 and the vector t
% y-axis is 1. At time 0 the path begin at y=1. WHY???
plot([0,t],[ones(5,1),U(1:5,:)],'r--'), hold off % plot 5 individual paths
% discrete "time" from 0 to 1
% over 5 paths, all begin at 1
% paths are first 5 rows of U
legend('mean of 1000 paths','5 individual paths',2)
averr = norm((Umean - exp(9*t/8)),'inf') % sample error. Infinity norm of matrix
% largest row sum of A.
% w.o. 'inf' - 1-norm, largest column sum
To be explored....